Saturday, February 15, 2014

Half N' Half

So I’ve started this blog entry three times now in the past 3 weeks… the first half is really from 2 weeks ago.  And the 2nd half is from right now.  ;)  Just an FYI.

It’s been a fun few weeks here this semester.  It feels like we’ve had a wealth of get togethers with Berklee friends.  Jared and Gabi, the married couple who live across the street from us, have held a couple parties over at their place, which is perfect because us “old folks” can leave the party and be in bed within 5 minutes!  The last one was a surprise birthday party for Jared, who is in Jake’s program.  I’ve never seen a more priceless surprise as he was freaking out while the lights were still off thinking someone had broken into their apartment.  I know, unimportant details for most reading this…but it was super hilarious and fun.  At these parties we’ve been having great conversations with the other students, and it really feels now that relationships are developing that could extend beyond this year.  

We’ve also set up a Wednesday night dinner party thing the past few weeks so I hope that continues.  Last semester it seemed that we were not invited to many of the social events.  Either because we live on the other side of town or because we’re just the  “boring, old married couple.”  Probably a combination of both.  I don’t really blame them since half the time we choose to be the “boring, old married couple” that doesn’t really want to go out in the first place.  Ok, in thinking more clearly, we’re actually the “boring, old, cheap married couple that just doesn’t want to spend the money to go out.  But for some reason this semester we’ve either suddenly become cool, or everyone else just finally ran out of money and figured that cheap family meals at home should be the new social norm.

As for the Wednesday night thing it’s been perfect because I teach a class on the other side of town where most of the students live.  So in talking with some of the girls, we decided to get together on Wednesday nights after my class, which has now as of last week grown into a huge dinner party social.  Either way, it’s a great excuse for Jake and I to finally get over to the “hip and hoppin’” part of town.  Unfortunately, it means we have to ride bikes home after midnight since the darn metro closes at 10:30pm!

Luckily, we’re not always trekking across town to be social.  We’ve had our share of people over as well the past few weeks.  However, in a much more calm, controlled environment.  MariEli came over for lunch last week to talk about her possible interest in pursuing a master’s program at Berklee.  Jake and I both think she would be a great candidate for the Global Music Business program.  She is at a crossroads right now we got to try to help her think through it a little, especially with this interest in Berklee.  Of course, when you come from a country where college tuition is miniscule in comparison, Berklee is a very scary thought.  Either way, we had a great time talking on a more serious level than usual.  Maria Elisa is the crazy, fun-loving, energetic type, and when paired with Jake, the joking and laughing usually outweighs the intense, heartfelt convos.  

Jake has been assigned a couple movies to watch for homework so far this semester.  So Jared and Gabi have come over for a couple of low-key popcorn and movie nights as well.  These are truly some of my favorite times and I think theirs too.

(2nd half)

It’s Saturday now, and we’re just relaxing at home.  Gonna go on a walk to the beach soon since it’s literally perfect weather outside at the moment.  I actually feel at the moment that I’m thinking a little more about home, considering in the past 2 weeks we’ve just welcomed a new niece and nephew into the world, not to mention friends are still announcing left and right that they’re pregnant.  When are Jake and I going to have kids you ask?  …  Not in this blog at least!  I don’t know.  We had a great talk last night at our local bar, which became our Valentine’s celebration. And we’re still just trying to figure out how life will come together when we arrive back at home in the states with no jobs, income, home, cars, etc.  We shall see.  We have a lot on our minds and I get lost in the future too often these days instead of concentrating on the present.

As for the present… not much has changed for us.  We’re happy with friends, activities, learning, a bit of working.  Last Saturday we had Manuel and Tiffany over.  Manuel is in the Music Business Program, and his wife, though she is not a student, has been keeping busy accompanying for Berklee performers.  Tiffany has her master’s in piano from BYU.  Bonnie and I had a shopping and Chinese food date last week, and now she’s gone to Denmark to see her parents.  Maria Elisa and I have been keeping up with our Spanish practice on Wednesdays.  It’s great. Jake and I don’t feel short on company.  

Although Jake has been gone a bit more this week, which may be a sign of how this semester will be with the new job and new classes.  I am at home more with now no Spanish school to attend. But I’m trying to make the most of extra time concentrating on Bible reading, exercise, Spanish, and singing.  I haven’t really mentioned the singing at all because I’ve been kind of shy about it. But I’m taking voice lessons and preparing a voice recital as my 30th birthday present to myself.  I had been considering going back to school for voice myself which originally initiated my recital (“audition”) prep.  But now it’s become more of a bucket list item that I’ve always wanted to accomplish since I didn’t study voice in college.   Anyhoo… I’m planning a 45 min classical recital in May-ish.

I’ll have more details about Jake next time.  He has his first recording session of the semester this Friday.  He’s been keeping busy with other homework assignments, some film scoring/composing competitions, and work with the ICC.  He is doing great.  Especially since he’s about to take a stroll on the beach with me right now!


  1. Your ability to write about the details of life while also touching on the essential big questions is quite amazing, dear Robin! Reading your blogs keeps us in touch not just with what you are doing and discovering in Valencia, but also with the human being you are--and are becoming, day by day. Lots of love, and much respect! xxxx ariane

  2. Wow, thank you for that, Ariane. Your words really touch my heart, and motivate me to continue writing beyond just the day to day activities.

  3. I agree with Ariane. When you write Robin, I feel present and in the moment with you. Can't wait to see you in July!
    Love, Deb
